Truefaced Guidebook

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Question 10 a. In a conversation between John and Bill we see there are two possible ways Bill could respond to John's need for certain issues to be resolved. Response 1 suggests yes let's get to work on those issues. Response 2 says, "I hope you never , get to completely solve those issues.
Which of these two "roads" represents the road less traveled by? Why do you think it has meant all the difference in John's maturing?
What a gift to be supported by someone who is going to say, "Life is about constantly needing Jesus for strength." I will have to admit when I see certain issues rise up in those around me I am sometimes anxious for them to get those issues resolved. However, I am learning to be more Christ centered. I am learning to encourage them to seek Jesus for strength and not be discouraged because the issue still remains to be dealt with.
Question 10 b If we are not called to deal with our "stuff" by striving to change ourselves for the better, then how are we to deal with it?
By learning how to let Jesus see it. (first step) Once I get there the next steps have been easy. By faith acknowledge that Jesus already took the punishment for that sin. (second step) Receive that He is willing to give me grace for that sin, even if I do it again. (third step) This is somewhat harder because I like to think I won't do it again. However, do any of us know we won't sin ? It is our hope of righteousness that is given us that gives us the hope we will not sin. Still I feel I must be ready to receive His grace should this issue come up again. I have this idea that Jesus asks to be able to wash my feet. If I can say "yes" I can receive grace.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Question 9 part 2. Gal. 3:5 He therefore that ministereth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you,[doeth he it] by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith ? According to this passage , why is it foolish for you to strive to change into being godly ? What is God interested in?
God is interested in the work He can do in you. It is not what can we do for Him but what will we receive that He did for us. The old exhortation :"What would Jesus do?" just really gives the wrong idea. Like if you know what Jesus would do, then you should do it. But how? In your own strength? Jesus of course abides by the laws, so one could look to the laws and say ,"this is what Jesus would do." To be sure , you would be correct. What Jesus wants however, is for us to hear His voice. To know His voice when it comes to our ears and faith to respond. It may throw everyone else off. Oh there are those onlookers to see how you are doing, abiding by the law and all. Suddenly , there you are walking on water. "Hey, you can't do that ." They say, "Haven't you heard about the law of gravity?" I know I went off into another kind of law. But sometimes that is how it looks to people. You must abide by these certain laws that I know Christians stick to. Yet , you have heard the voice of Jesus say, "come." So off you go. This can cause loved ones a lot of distress. They fear for you. They fear for what your actions may cause them. I know what it is like for them, because I was one of those fearful people for a very long time. Then I learned to hear the voice of Jesus. It is well, it is well, with my soul. And it will be for their souls too, just as soon as they hear from Jesus .

Monday, July 03, 2006

Question 9. Accepting what is true about me . Look at this word "accept" . The look at the word "strive" . These two words .
I guess if I do not put down what the question was about, those who do not have the workbook won't be able to make sense of this.
Let me just say this, today at church our speaker said something radical. He said, "we are Christ." When we minister to one another we should be able to so as Christ would. Some people get a little defensive when you say stuff like that. They act like you think you are something special, not someone who has learned humility and to receive the Grace of God.
But our workbook says this, If we refuse to enter the Room of Grace , we will constantly be striving in the Room of Good Intentions. We will strive to change into something we are not yet: godly. Well, these guys are on the right track, because if you strive to become godly rather than receive god like attributes you will never make it. Of course that is where that fake it til you make mentality started . Someone said, you should act like Christ , but you couldn't so , you also couldn't let them know you couldn't so you began faking it .
However, there is another twist to this . Some have become so sure they can't be godly they don't even try to let the life of Christ show through them. They have become convinced that it was all a dream that they could never live and just settle for the hum drum existence of mediocrity.
God did not call us to be His sons and then expect us to sit on our hands all day. He did not pay such a great price for us to have life and life more abundantly and then say,"okay, you don't have to take it ." Well, that is wrong, He did to say that , because He gives us a free choice. We can take it if we want or we can refuse it, and say,"Oh, I am not good enough for You to be so nice to me."
The answer to the question (in the book )is: He does these things in our lives not because we strive but because we trust Him to do them in us.
Gal. 3:5