Truefaced Guidebook

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Question 1

As we examine our questions about motives today, I would like to add another example. Our book gives the example, if we're motivated by money, we will value lucrative careers and people who can help us make money. It will influence us to pursue certain education, experience, and jobs. We get the word motion from motive; our motives ultimately determine our actions. God designed us this way.
My example : If we're motivated by power , we will gravitate towards ways to have power. We will want people and jobs that give us power. We will want to pursue ways that will help us feel in control and have power.
As I realize that sometimes people are mistaken by thinking that doing things Jesus' way will provide them with more money. I wonder if I have thought Jesus' way would give me more control ? It won't of course, however that is not the point. The point is that we are talking about our motives ,thus learning what human quality about ourselves keeps prompting us to put up those masks, rather than be real.
I think that we place into motion those things that seemed to work for others . If it seemed that anger worked as vehicle to gain power for someone in our childhood perhaps we are inclined to want to use that same vehicle now. Even though we know it to be wrong and not God's way.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

3. (cont.) What does trusting God have to do with what we "give" to Him? I want to make a / here and say, "give/or do for " Him. Because most of us view what we do for Him as giving and some of us even think it possible all we do ,could be for Him. What that has to do with trusting is ; if we are giving it to please Him then we are like Cain, but if we are giving it because we trust Him, that is we trust that we do not have to win His favor , but that we believe we already have His favor. We are giving an offering of thanksgiving then, not an offering to make up for what we did wrong then. We are believing that our wrong deeds are atoned for already. Perhaps before Jesus died it was faith in the atonement of the sacrifice. However, Abel must of saw that it was not his work of bringing the sacrifice that made the atonement but that it was a work of God. I think I have the right idea but I am not sure I am getting this across right. If you have a suggestion feel free to comment.
4. I read each of the scriptures here and all of them bring in a very good point. Jesus says, we can trust Him because He will never leave us or forsake us. Matt 28:20, Acts 18:9-10, Romans 5:6-8, Hebrews 13:5 .
5. Hebrews 11:5 -6 Tells us that you must have faith to please God. Enoch must of trusted God for his salvation just as Abraham must have . See how very important it is that we trust Him for our righteousness and not try to earn it ?
As you reflect on your life, what significant event or experience stands out to you as a moment when God was saying (whether or not you heard him at the time), "Trust me" ? What was the specific issue he was addressing ? What were the long-term results of your choice?

Stuff like that is pretty intimate so I do not know that I want to share any of those events with you . However, I would encourage you to take the time to ponder this question and think, when could I have trusted Him , and I didn't . Or when could I have trusted Him , and I did. The times that I did not trust Him, I now really regret. The good news is that He has , or will bring up those similar types of opportunities again and this time I'll have the chance to say "Yes, I will trust You." God is gracious and He never seems to get tired of giving us second chances . Just wait awhile, your chance will come. Some of those events that came that I did not trust Him , the first few, (several times) it came by I really couldn't even see what was going on. Like Cain, I was giving my offering, "wasn't it good enough ?" So I would go back and try to make my offering better. All the time He was just wanting me to trust Him. Now things still do not go smoothly for me all the time. (Ha, Ha, I bet you knew that.) Only , now that I am not wasting a bunch of time trying to fix the offering, I am getting a better idea of what is going on. He is there, somewhere in the circumstance. That is what I look for now. Somewhere He is there , and His ways, I will come through the situtation with a better understanding of His ways.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Here we are talking about Cain and Abel. It occurs to me life is not much different today. People often seem to make it their business what kind of worship or offering you give to God. They compare and seem insulted if it doesn't line up to their idea of what it should be. You know, all I want to do it worship Him , in spirit and truth. I really do not care what everyone else does. I wonder why it makes a difference to them what others do ? Is it going to make them look bad ? I do not see why. Trusting God is the key here. That what you are doing is what you are suppose to be doing.
4. Going to skip ahead to the verses for study : Matt 28:20 Goal (trusting God for what ?) To obey Jesus in everything He commands.Means (How to reach the goal)To trust that Jesus is with us always. Acts 18:9-10 Goal (trusting God for what?) To have strength to speak for Jesus in hostile arenas. Means (How to reach the goal) Trust that Jesus is with us.Romans 5:6-8 Goal (trusting God for what?) To be rescued, to avoid death. Means(How to reach the goal) Trust that while we were yet sinner's He died for us. Hebrews 13:5 Goal (trusting God for what?) To be content,not greedy. Means ( How to reach the goal) trust that He will never leave or forsake us.