we begin on week two in the guidebook AUTHENTICITY
CHAPTER ONE in the TrueFaced book
1. Which of these masks do you recognize from your "wardrobe?" Describe a recent or typical time when you have worn one of these masks.
As I go down the list I could tell you a time I had used everyone of these masks. Under other masks I could give lists of ways people hide from love called hiding patterns, from Hiding From Love by Dr.John Townsend. What I think I should stick to is the word "recent".
Here I am doing this class on line, Maybe the "I have the answers " mask would apply. All mask-wearing is a product of pretending something to be true in our lives that our experience denies. Truefaced page 32 .
2. And we live in a family sending this unspoken message: "I prefer that you be who I want you to be rather than who you are, if it's all the same to you." (Truefaced ,page 32)
This happens around Christians a lot. I just assume that they would rather I be who they want me to be rather than who I am so, on that assumption I put on the mask.
I really do not like myself. So I have to pretend.
I know a person who does not like himself. He pretends to like himself but he and I know , he does not. When his mask slips and he lets it be known for real, I try to be accepting. It has made me more aware that it is hard to be yourself if the yourself you are doesn't fit in with what people "at church" think a Christian should be.
Years ago I went to this church that really captitalized on knowing people "wanted to fit in." There was a real sense of community, a lot of misfits who all found this one church, and this guy, who called himself a pastor, led us all around telling us to do Christian things. Now, I really had a real to life relationship with Jesus, but here was this church who taught, works , works, works. Because we were all caught up into being what Christians ought to do , he could lead us around like dumb sheep. The thing that saved me is that I had this relationship, a real thing. I called it praying through. First the Holy Spirit showed me that I had worshipped peoples opinion of me. Then in time the Holy Spirit showed me that the church I was attending was wanting me to worship them. It woke me up. I left.
The author's foot note 9 on page 32 says James 1:22-23 Jam 1:22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
Jam 1:23 For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: Jam 1:24 For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was.
It is important to be a doer and a hearer of the word. The whole word. When I attempt to do the word in my own strength, or act as though I am doing the word but really am not, I am deceiving myself. though. Worshipping people's opinion of me is a lust. Jam 1:14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
Jam 1:16 Do not err, my beloved brethren. All of James chapter one is good to dwell on because I realize the author of James knew about temptation and he also knew how to over come it. Being honest about what the HOLY SPIRIT shows you about yourself probably has something to do with that. Being HONEST with God.
I just seem to handle temptation better one on one. My being open and honest here comes from the HOLY SPIRIT inside me .
CHAPTER ONE in the TrueFaced book
1. Which of these masks do you recognize from your "wardrobe?" Describe a recent or typical time when you have worn one of these masks.
As I go down the list I could tell you a time I had used everyone of these masks. Under other masks I could give lists of ways people hide from love called hiding patterns, from Hiding From Love by Dr.John Townsend. What I think I should stick to is the word "recent".
Here I am doing this class on line, Maybe the "I have the answers " mask would apply. All mask-wearing is a product of pretending something to be true in our lives that our experience denies. Truefaced page 32 .
2. And we live in a family sending this unspoken message: "I prefer that you be who I want you to be rather than who you are, if it's all the same to you." (Truefaced ,page 32)
This happens around Christians a lot. I just assume that they would rather I be who they want me to be rather than who I am so, on that assumption I put on the mask.
I really do not like myself. So I have to pretend.
I know a person who does not like himself. He pretends to like himself but he and I know , he does not. When his mask slips and he lets it be known for real, I try to be accepting. It has made me more aware that it is hard to be yourself if the yourself you are doesn't fit in with what people "at church" think a Christian should be.
Years ago I went to this church that really captitalized on knowing people "wanted to fit in." There was a real sense of community, a lot of misfits who all found this one church, and this guy, who called himself a pastor, led us all around telling us to do Christian things. Now, I really had a real to life relationship with Jesus, but here was this church who taught, works , works, works. Because we were all caught up into being what Christians ought to do , he could lead us around like dumb sheep. The thing that saved me is that I had this relationship, a real thing. I called it praying through. First the Holy Spirit showed me that I had worshipped peoples opinion of me. Then in time the Holy Spirit showed me that the church I was attending was wanting me to worship them. It woke me up. I left.
The author's foot note 9 on page 32 says James 1:22-23 Jam 1:22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
Jam 1:23 For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: Jam 1:24 For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was.
It is important to be a doer and a hearer of the word. The whole word. When I attempt to do the word in my own strength, or act as though I am doing the word but really am not, I am deceiving myself. though. Worshipping people's opinion of me is a lust. Jam 1:14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
Jam 1:16 Do not err, my beloved brethren. All of James chapter one is good to dwell on because I realize the author of James knew about temptation and he also knew how to over come it. Being honest about what the HOLY SPIRIT shows you about yourself probably has something to do with that. Being HONEST with God.
I just seem to handle temptation better one on one. My being open and honest here comes from the HOLY SPIRIT inside me .